An activity about hoping and wishing as we grieve: Try it at home! 

HOPE is something that lives in each of us. When children and families are impacted by a serious medical condition or the death of a special person, there can be a lot of things to hope or wish for. This month at Tu Nidito, families are reflecting on what those hopes or wishes might be.

Support groups meet every Monday – Thursday evening here at Tu Nidito. This month, after sitting down together to “check in” and answer a Talking Circle Question, Littles (3½ – 7), Middles (8-12) and Teens (13-18) all participated in a beautiful activity displaying their collective hope. The task was simple: Think of a special hope you have for yourself and your family. Choose a color of cloth and draw or write your hope. When completed, share your creation with one another and tie your hope or wish to the tree in the Celebration Garden (pictured below).

By voicing these hopes and wishes for the future, then placing them in a communal space, we are demonstrating something special in the midst of grief: Though our futures are often uncertain, we are never alone.

Display your family’s hopes and wishes in your own home! Here are some options:

  1. Find or plant your own hope tree! You will need strips of colored fabric and fabric markers. Each member of your family can write their hopes and wishes down and tie them to branches of the tree. If you’d prefer, use a small indoor plant.
  2. Create a Hope Jar. Place a jar in a visible place. Provide slips of paper for family members to write their hopes and wishes, and place them in the jar. Plan to meet regularly as a family to read over the hopes and wishes in the jar!
  3. Place a small bulletin or white board in the home. Provide slips of paper or white board markers for family members to add their hopes or wishes.

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