Tu Nidito Teens Create a Holiday Support Guide

Tu Nidito Teens Create a Holiday Support Guide

Most people think of the holiday as a time of joy, surrounded with the love of family and the warmth of the season. For others the holidays bring sadness as they are flooded with memories of past holidays. At Tu Nidito, we know for many of our kids the sadness is profound. During the month of December our groups focus on how to navigate the holidays while you are grieving the death of a special person. We encourage authentic feelings and acknowledge and validate every individual and their feelings, whatever they are: joy, sadness, anger and regret. 

Tu Nidito teens helped each other by sharing how they would support someone who was having a hard time during the holidays. Their answers are wise, relevant and so helpful.

What is a good way to bring a smile to someone’s face when they are having a really hard time and missing their special person during the holidays?

Give them necessary space.

“Surprise them with something they like, hot chocolate for example.”

“Ask them what they would like to do.”

“Surprise them with their favorite food.

“Talk to them and kind of distract them with things they want.”

“Surround yourself with people you know will make you happy and you can start new traditions with them instead of focusing on the old ones.”

“Listen to Music.”

If you could create a holiday comfort kit for someone your age who is grieving, what items would you include?

“Stress ball or fidget spinner.”

Music and headphones. Yummy holiday food!”

“A notepad, something that reminded me of them and music they would listen to.

Something to hug.

“Friends, food, movies, a comfy place and board games.”

“A phone, AirPods and an art kit.”

What can you do if you feel overwhelmed and need a break?

“Go outside. Call someone comforting. Find a dog!

Spend time alone. Binge a comfort show or movie.”

“Stay in my room alone, use the comfort kit and hangout with animals.

“Go to an empty room.”

Breathe, calm down. Thinking helps me not to be irrational.”

“Listen to music and go to my room and take deep breaths. Go to the lake park.”

What are some kind or helpful things to say to someone like you who is grieving the death of a special person?

I am here for you. I understand. Can I do anything to help?”

“Ask them: ‘what was their name?’ ‘What can I do to make you feel better?’”

“That they are not alone.”

“I’m sorry your mom died, I hope you’ll feel better. I am here for you.

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