Now Serving Individuals Ages 18-39
Since 2001, Tu Nidito’s Bereavement Support Group for Young Adults has existed to serve individuals who have experienced the death of a loved one. Following the expressed needs of our community, the Young Adult Bereavement program will now be expanded to serve individuals ages 18-39. Previously, the group served ages 18-29.
As the only grief support organization of its kind in Southern Arizona, Tu Nidito receives thousands of referrals each year from community members in search of programs and services following the death of a loved one or a serious medical diagnosis. In recent years, we have seen an increasing number of inquiries from young adults over the age of 30.
“These individuals may not be in their 20’s anymore, but they are still considered young adults for many reasons,” explains Serena Sahajian, Young Adult Group Coordinator, who was once herself a participant in this very group. “Consider people who are unmarried or unpartnered, without children in their home, maybe in an advanced degree program and living on their own. They don’t have a lot of the “ties” that other people their same age may have.” All this to say, young adulthood may not end on one’s 30th birthday.
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