Online curriculum for children and families impacted by grief

If you have questions or would like guidance around this curriculum, contact us! We are still available by phone and email. Leave us a message and we will get back to you promptly.

(520) 322-9155 | [email protected]

Start by following along with Diana as she reads In My Heart: A Book of Feelings written by Jo Witek and illustrated by Christine Roussey. Thank you to Abrams Children’s Books for their permission to read this book!

Changing the Channel

An Activity for All Ages

We all have so many different feelings. Sometimes we can experience positive feelings and sometimes we can experience challenging feelings. When challenging feelings take over, it can be hard to enjoy our days or fall asleep at night. Remember, we are the ones in control of our feelings so we can change them when we need to.

When you watch TV, you can control what you watch by changing the channel. When we want to experience positive feelings, we can “change the channel” in our minds by thinking of things that make us feel calm, happy, safe, and loved.

Supplies Needed:


  • Print 2 of these TV coloring sheets (or draw your own on a blank piece of paper).
  • Think about challenging feelings that you experience. If you need any help naming your feelings, look at this Feelings Chart.
  • On the first sheet, draw a scene with your challenging feelings. Drawing your challenging feelings allows you to acknowledge them and get the out of your mind and body.
  • Now, think about positive feelings that you want to experience. Again, see the Feelings Chart for help!
  • On the second sheet, draw a scene with those positive feelings. This positive scene should make you feel calm, happy, safe and loved.

When you are having a tough day or if you are having trouble falling asleep, change the channel in your mind. Close your eyes and picture the second scene that you drew of your positive feelings.

Adults and Caregivers:

All it takes is a shift, big or small, to alter our perspective about certain moments or experiences. Navigating life after a loss of health or a loved one’s death is complex enough, but when we add in the current state of things with the COVID-19 pandemic, it can feel much more complicated.

The article Change Your Perspective to Change Your Life by Steven Petrow, a contributor at The New York Timesdescribes how writing helps create a shift in perspective. When we write, we put our most complicated thoughts and feelings into words, creating an opportunity to better understand complex perspectives. Writing is also healing. Even if it doesn’t help us fully make sense of our thoughts and emotions, it allows us to externalize them and find a sense of peace.

We know that your days and nights are beyond busy and stressful right now, but when you find yourself with a magical spare moment, we encourage you to write about your experiences, thoughts and emotions. We hope this practice will bring you comfort or help shift your perspective.

We’d love to see how you are changing the channel!

Share your creation with us by sending a picture of your artwork to [email protected] or posting a picture with the hashtag #TuNiditoArt! And remember, we are available for support at (520) 322-9155.

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