Online curriculum for children and families impacted by grief

If you have questions or would like guidance around this curriculum, contact us! We are still available by phone and email. Leave us a message and we will get back to you promptly.

(520) 322-9155 | [email protected]

Topic: Expressing Our Feelings

When we express our feelings, we need kind and supportive people who listen to us and give us comfort. This is so much more helpful than people trying to fix our feelings or telling us what to do. Remember, sometimes our hearts heal the most when people just listen to us.

Start this activity by following along with Brigid as she reads “The Rabbit Listened” by Cori Doerrfeld:

Littles (age 3½-7)

Activity: Color Your Feelings

When you have big feelings, you might need help figuring out exactly what your feelings are. This activity is a great way to figure out your feelings, express them, and help others understand them.

Supplies Needed:

  • One blank sheet of paper
  • Markers, colored pencils, crayons or paint


  1. Open our feelings chart and look at each one.
  2. Think about which feelings you’re having and write them down on a piece of blank paper (Or have an adult help you write them down).
  3. Then, choose a color (crayon, marker, paint, colored pencil) that matches each feeling. Assign each feeling a specific color.
  4. Now, turn your paper over and fill it with your feelings! You can make cool designs and patterns or keep it super simple. Make sure the biggest feeling takes up the most space while the smallest feeling takes up the least space.
  5. If you’d like to, share your drawing with your family!

Middles (age 8-12) and Teens (age 13-18)

Activity: Color a Mandala

Mandalas are symbolic circles that are used by people of many cultures. They are a creative way to express your thoughts and feelings while helping you feel calm and relaxed.

Supplies Needed:


  • A computer, smartphone or tablet with internet access


  1. Print the mandala coloring sheets.
  2. Using your coloring utensils, fill in a mandala with your feelings by choosing colors that represent the emotions you’re experiencing. You get to choose which color represents which feeling!
  3. If you’d like to, share what you colored with your family.

or color online!

  1. Follow this link to mandala coloring online!
  2. Select the mandala you want to color.
  3. Click the green button that says “color.”
  4. Wait 3 seconds until you see “Skip Ad” in the bottom right corner. Tap or click on those words to open your coloring page!
  5. Color your mandala with your feelings by choosing colors that represent the emotions you’re experiencing. You get to choose which color represents which feeling!
  6. If you’d like to, share what you colored with your family.

Adults and Caregivers:

Coloring is definitely not just for kids! Take a look at this article from the Huffington Post by Dr. Nikki Martinez, Psy.D. LCPC to explore some of the positive impacts coloring may have on mental, emotional, and intellectual health.

If you have a smart phone or tablet, consider downloading a Mandala Coloring App!

We’d love to see what you are feeling!

Share your creation with us by sending a picture of your artwork to [email protected]! And remember, we are available for support at (520) 322-9155.

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