Reading with Friends… ANIMAL Friends!

"Little Beaver and the Echo"

Online curriculum for children and families impacted by grief

Theme: Supportive Loved Ones

When you are grieving a loss of health due to a serious medical condition or a loss of a loved one due to a death, surrounding yourself with loved ones who truly care and validate your feelings can feel very comforting. Right now, even though we can’t see many of our loved ones in person, we can still connect with them to receive the support we need.

Our friends at TRAK (Therapeutic Ranch for Animals and Kids) remind us that loved ones come in all forms. Animals can be some of the best friends we may ever have and they are great at bringing joy to our hearts. Follow along with Vanessa from TRAK as she reads Little Beaver and the Echo written by Amy MacDonald and illustrated by Sarah Fox-Davies. Thank you to Penguin Random House, the publisher of this story. Thank you, Vanessa and the TRAK team for introducing us to your goat friends!

We are still available by phone and email. Leave us a message and we will get back to you promptly.

(520) 322-9155 | [email protected]

Tema: Seres queridos

Cuando estas en duelo por la perdida de salud debido a una enfermedad seria o por la muerte de un ser amado, rodearte de seres queridos que realmente se preocupan y validan tus emociones se puede sentir muy confortante. En estos momentos, cuando no podemos ver a muchos de nuestros seres queridos, todavía podemos conectarnos con ellos para recibir el apoyo que necesitamos.

Nuestros amigos de TRAK (Rancho terapéutico para animales y niños) nos recuerdan que nuestros seres queridos vienen en todas formas. Los animales pueden ser nuestros mejores amigos y son fantásticos trayendo alegría a nuestros corazones. Sigue a Vanessa de TRAK mientras lee el libro Little Beaver and the Echo escrito por Amy MacDonald e ilustrado por Sarah Fox-Davies. Gracias a Penguin Random House, los editores de esta historia. ¡Gracias a Vanessa y TRAK por presentarnos a tus amigas cabras!

Si necesitas apoyo, estamos disponibles! Deja un mensaje y nos pondremos en contacto con usted.

 520-322-9155 | [email protected].

Changing the Channel

Changing the Channel

Online curriculum for children and families impacted by grief

If you have questions or would like guidance around this curriculum, contact us! We are still available by phone and email. Leave us a message and we will get back to you promptly.

(520) 322-9155 | [email protected]

Start by following along with Diana as she reads In My Heart: A Book of Feelings written by Jo Witek and illustrated by Christine Roussey. Thank you to Abrams Children’s Books for their permission to read this book!

Changing the Channel

An Activity for All Ages

We all have so many different feelings. Sometimes we can experience positive feelings and sometimes we can experience challenging feelings. When challenging feelings take over, it can be hard to enjoy our days or fall asleep at night. Remember, we are the ones in control of our feelings so we can change them when we need to.

When you watch TV, you can control what you watch by changing the channel. When we want to experience positive feelings, we can “change the channel” in our minds by thinking of things that make us feel calm, happy, safe, and loved.

Supplies Needed:


  • Print 2 of these TV coloring sheets (or draw your own on a blank piece of paper).
  • Think about challenging feelings that you experience. If you need any help naming your feelings, look at this Feelings Chart.
  • On the first sheet, draw a scene with your challenging feelings. Drawing your challenging feelings allows you to acknowledge them and get the out of your mind and body.
  • Now, think about positive feelings that you want to experience. Again, see the Feelings Chart for help!
  • On the second sheet, draw a scene with those positive feelings. This positive scene should make you feel calm, happy, safe and loved.

When you are having a tough day or if you are having trouble falling asleep, change the channel in your mind. Close your eyes and picture the second scene that you drew of your positive feelings.

Adults and Caregivers:

All it takes is a shift, big or small, to alter our perspective about certain moments or experiences. Navigating life after a loss of health or a loved one’s death is complex enough, but when we add in the current state of things with the COVID-19 pandemic, it can feel much more complicated.

The article Change Your Perspective to Change Your Life by Steven Petrow, a contributor at The New York Times, describes how writing helps create a shift in perspective. When we write, we put our most complicated thoughts and feelings into words, creating an opportunity to better understand complex perspectives. Writing is also healing. Even if it doesn’t help us fully make sense of our thoughts and emotions, it allows us to externalize them and find a sense of peace.

We know that your days and nights are beyond busy and stressful right now, but when you find yourself with a magical spare moment, we encourage you to write about your experiences, thoughts and emotions. We hope this practice will bring you comfort or help shift your perspective.

We’d love to see how you are changing the channel!

Share your creation with us by sending a picture of your artwork to [email protected] or posting a picture with the hashtag #TuNiditoArt! And remember, we are available for support at (520) 322-9155.

Si tiene preguntas o necesita guía o apoyo, nos puede contactar a Tu Nidito al 520-322-9155 | [email protected].

Empieza esta actividad siguiendo a Brigid mientras lee In My Heart: A Book of Feelings (Así es mi Corazón) escrito por Jo Witek e ilustrado por Christine Roussey. Gracias a Abrams Children’s Books por su permiso para leer este libro!

Cambiando el Canal

Una actividad para todas las edades

Todos tenemos diferentes emociones. A veces podemos experimentar emociones positivas y a veces podemos experimentar emociones desafiantes. Cuando emociones desafiantes nos inundan, puede ser difícil disfrutar nuestro día o poder dormir. Recuerda, nosotros somos quienes controlamos nuestras emociones y podemos cambiarlas cuando necesitemos. 

Cuando vez televisión, tu puedes controlar lo que vez cambiando el canal. Cuando queremos experimentar emociones positivas, podemos “cambiar el canal” en nuestras mentes al pensar en cosas que nos hacen sentir calmados, felices, seguros y amados.

Materiales necesarios:


  • Imprima dos hojas de colorear con la televisión (o dibuja dos televisiones en una hoja de papel en blanco)
  • Piensa en tus emociones desafiantes. Si necesitas ayuda nombrando tus emociones, revisa la grafica de emociones!
  • En la primera televisión, dibuja una escena con unas emociones desafiantes. Dibujar tus emociones desafiantes te permite reconocerlas y sacarlas de tu cuerpo y mente.
  • Ahora, piensa en tus emociones positivas que te gustaría experimentar. Otra vez, revisa la grafica de emociones.
  • En la segunda televisión, dibuja una escena con tus emociones positivas. Esta escena positiva te ayudara a sentirte calmado, feliz, seguro y amado.

Cuando estas teniendo un día pesado o si estas teniendo problemas para dormir, cambia el canal en tu mente al imaginar tu escena de emociones positivas.

Adultos and Cuidadores:

Todo lo que toma es un cambio, grande o pequeño para alterar nuestro perspectivo acerca de cierto momentos o experiencias. Navegar por la vida después de una pérdida de salud o la muerte de un ser querido es lo suficientemente complejo pero si agregamos el estado actual de las cosas con la pandemia, puede parecer mucho más complicado.

El articulo “Por qué escribir un diario te aporta bienestar” redactado y avalado por la psicopedagoga María José Roldán, nos explica como escribir nos ayuda a pensar con claridad, tener un bienestar emocional y nos ayuda a aliviar el estrés

¡Nos encantaría ver que es lo que haciendo para cambiar el canal!

Comparte con nosotros mandando una fotografía de tu arte a [email protected] o ponla en Facebook usando el hashtag #TuNiditoArt! Y recuerda, estamos disponibles para apoyarte al (520) 322-9155.

We Are Always Connected

We Are Always Connected

Online curriculum for children and families impacted by grief

If you have questions or would like guidance around this curriculum, contact us! We are still available by phone and email. Leave us a message and we will get back to you promptly.

(520) 322-9155 | [email protected]

Topic: We Are Always Connected

It feels really hard to not be with the people we care about right now. We can’t go to school and see our friends and classmates. If we go outside to play, we can’t play with other kids. Some of us can’t even see our own family members. When someone special has a serious medical condition, or after someone special has died, being able to be with the people we care about helps us feel better. The Invisible String helps remind us that even when we can’t be with the people we love and care about, we are always connected to them.

Start by following along with Kristin as she reads The Invisible String by Patrice Karst, Illustrated by Geoff Stevenson. Thank you to the Publishers of this book, DeVross & Company and Little, Brown & Company: Books for Young Readers!

Littles and Middles (age 3 ½ – 12):

Activity: Heart of Connections

Supplies Needed:

  • Blank piece of paper
  • Markers
  • Crayons or colored pencils


  • Start by getting a blank piece of paper and draw a big heart on it. Think of everyone you would like to be with, but can’t: your special person, friends, family members, teachers, classmates, neighbors. . . anyone!
  • Draw a picture of each of these people or write their names inside of the heart.
  • Then, color each person using their favorite color or a color you think they would love. Watch as all of the colors connect!
  • When you are feeling sad and missing these people, look at your heart and remember that even though you can’t be with them, you are always connected to them and they are always connected to you.

Teens (ages 13-18):

When you think of the people in your life who you care about like your special person, friends, and family, your first thoughts might be about how wonderful, dependable, and loving they are. When you think of a spider web your first thoughts might be how creepy or gross it is. If thoughts of people you care about and spider webs seem so different, why would we ever compare them? Surprisingly, they have some similarities.

  1. Spider webs are incredibly strong. When we are separated from people we care about, we can find comfort in the strong bonds we have with them.
  2. Spider webs are surprisingly beautiful. The relationships you have with those in your life who you love are beautiful too.
  3. Spider webs are unique. The connections you have with caring, loving people are one of a kind and incredibly special.

During this time when we are all social distancing, we might be worried about losing connections with important people in our lives. If we think of how our connections to these people are strong, beautiful, and unique we can remind ourselves that they will last. If you feel inspired to create a visual reminder of this, try the following activity!

Activity: Spider Web Connections

Supplies Needed:


  • Print our spider web image (or draw your own!)
  • Write the names of your special person, friends, family members, classmates, etc. throughout the web (example above). 
  • Place your web somewhere that you will always see it. Glance at it when you are missing these people to remind yourself that your connections will last because they are strong, beautiful and unique.

Adults and Caregivers:

A diagnosis of a serious medical condition or a loved one’s death greatly impacts relationships. Some connections may become stronger while others slowly fade away or abruptly come to an end. During this time when we are all social distancing, we might be worried about losing connections with additional people in our lives. This is a natural concern that many people are experiencing. This article from our friends at What’s Your Grief? normalizes this concern from the lens of a griever, while encouraging acts that may lead to reconnection with people who we miss and need. While this article was written in November 2017, well before the pandemic, we hope you still find it comforting and validating.

We’d love to see your artwork!

Share your creation with us by sending a picture of your artwork to [email protected] or posting it with the hashtag #TuNiditoArt. And remember, we are available for support at (520) 322-9155.

Si tiene preguntas o necesita guía o apoyo, nos puede contactar a Tu Nidito al 520-322-9155 | [email protected].

Tema: Siempre Estamos Conectados

Es realmente duro no estar con la gente que queremos en estos momentos. No podemos ir a la escuela y ver a nuestros amigos y compañeros de escuela. Si salimos a jugar, no podemos jugar con otros niños. Algunos de nosotros no podemos ni siquiera ver a nuestros seres queridos. Cuando alguien especial tiene una enfermedad seria o después de que alguien especial a muerto, tener la oportunidad de estar con la gente que queremos nos ayuda a sentirnos mejor. El hilo invisible nos ayuda a recordar que incluso cuando no podemos estar con la gente que queremos, siempre estaremos conectados a ellos.

Empieza esta actividad siguiendo a Kristin mientras lee “El hilo invisible” por Patrice Karst, Ilustrado por Geoff Stevenson. Gracias a los editores de este libro DeVross & Company and Little, Brown & Company: Books for Young Readers!

Pequeños y medianos (edades 3 ½ – 12):

Actividad: Corazón de conexiones

Materiales necesarios:

  • Hoja de papel en blanco
  • Marcadoeres
  • Crayolas o colores


  • Empiecen por tomar una hoja en blanco y dibujen un gran corazón.
  • Piensa en todas esas personas con las que te gustaría estar, pero no puedes: Tu persona especial, amigos, familia, maestros, compañeros de clase, vecinos… cualquier persona!
  • Dibuja a cada una de esas personas o escribe su nombre adentro del corazón.
  • Después, colorea a cada una de las personas con su color favorito o con el color que tu piensas es su favorito.
  • Observa como todos los colores se conectan! Cuando te sientas solo y que extrañas a estas personas, ve a tu corazón y recuerda que, aunque no puedes estar con ellos, ellos estarán siempre conectados contigo.

Adolescentes (edades 13-18):

Cuando piensas en aquellas personas a las que quieres, como tu persona especial, amigos, familia, tal vez lo primero que se te viene a la mente es lo maravillos, confiables y amorosos que son. Cuando piensas en una telaraña, tal vez lo primero que se te viene a la mente es lo espeluznante y asquerosas que son. Si pensar en la gente que quieres y telarañas son tan diferentes, porque deberíamos de compararlos? Sorprendentemente, tienen varias similitudes.

  1. Las telarañas son increíblemente fuertes. Cuando somos separados de la gente que queremos, podemos encontrar confort en los lazos fuertes que tenemos con ellos.
  2. Las telarañas son sorprendentemente bonitas. Las relaciones que tienes con las personas que quieres, también son bonitas.
  3. Las telarañas son únicas. Las conexiones que tienes con gente que es amable, amorosa, cuidadosos son increíblemente especiales.

Durante este tiempo que estamos practicando distanciamiento social, podemos estar preocupados acerca de perder conexiones con gente importante en nuestras vidas. Si nos ponemos a pensar en como nuestras conexiones con esa gente son fuertes, hermosas y únicas, podemos recordar que van a durar. Si te sientes inspirado a crear una imagen acerca de esto, haz la actividad:


Actividad: Telarañas de conexiones

Materiales necesarios:


  • Imprime nuestra telaraña, o crea tu propia imagen.
  • Escribe los nombres de tu persona especial, amigos, familia, compañeros de clase, etc. por toda la telaraña.
  • Ve esa imagen cuando extrañes a esa gente para que recuerdes que las conexiones van a durar porque son fuertes, hermosas y únicas.

Adultos y Cuidadores:

El diagnostico de una enfermedad seria o la muerte de una persona especial impacta nuestras relaciones. Algunas conexiones se pueden volver mas fuertes mientras que otras, desaparecen lentamente o terminan repentinamente. Durante este tiempo que estamos practicando distanciamiento social, tal vez nos preocupe perder conexiones con personas en nuestras vidas. Este es una preocupación normal que mucha gente esta experimentando. Este articulo de nuestros amigos de What’s Your Grief? Normalizan esta preocupación desde el lente del afligido, mientras que alientan actos que pueden ayudar a reconectar con gente que extrañamos y necesitamos. Mientras que este articulo fue escrito antes de la pandemia, en Noviembre del 2017, esperamos que encuentre el articulo reconfortante y valioso.

¡Nos encantaría ver que es lo que estas dibujando!

Comparte con nosotros mandando una fotografía de tu arte a [email protected] o usa el hashtag #TuNiditoArt. Y recuerda, estamos disponibles para apoyarte al (520) 322-9155

What Do You Do With a Problem?

What do you do with a problem?

Online curriculum for children and families impacted by grief

If you have questions or would like guidance around this curriculum, contact us! We are still available by phone and email. Leave us a message and we will get back to you promptly.

(520) 322-9155 | [email protected]

Topic: Problem Solving

No one likes having a problem! Problems show up uninvited, making us feel worried and annoyed. We can pretend our problems don’t exist, we can hide from them, and we can constantly worry about them. Usually when we do these things, we don’t feel better. In fact, we end up feeling worse. When we face our problems, we can start to feel better because it means we have an opportunity to solve them and find hope.

We understand that facing our problems can be stressful and scary. These different activities may help our bodies and our minds feel prepared to face our problems…

Start this activity by following along with Serena as she reads “What Do You Do With a Problem?” written by Kobi Yamada and Illustrated by Mae Besom. Thank you to the Publisher of this book, Compendium!

Our Bodies

The Turtle

  • Start by standing with your feet apart and your shoulders relaxed.
  • Next, bring your bottom down to your feet and sit on the floor. Your knees should be bent and your feet flat on the floor.
  • Now, bring your legs in close to your body and wrap your arms around them.
  • Take a deep breath and put your head down on top of your knees. You may even close your eyes. Now, staying there, give yourself a big squeeze and slowly count to 5.
  • You can do The Turtle as long as you need to or want to. You may stop when your body feels calm and safe.

The Butterfly

  • Start by sitting or standing, whichever is more comfortable, and hold your arms straight out in front of your body.
  • Bring your left hand on your right shoulder. Bring your right hand on your left shoulder.
  • Gently use your hands to squeeze your shoulders and take a deep breath in.
  • Blow your deep breath out and relax your hands on your shoulders. Think of it as, “breathe in and squeeze – breath out and release.” You may even close your eyes.
  • You can do The Butterfly as long as you need to or want to. You may stop when your body feels calm and safe.

Spaghetti Body

  • Have you seen cooked spaghetti noodles? They are wiggly and loose, almost like they feel relaxed. When you feel tension in your body, you can make your body loose like spaghetti noodles. To get your Spaghetti Body, your body needs to go from tense and tight to loose and relaxed.
  • Let’s start with our hands: make a fist and squeeze tightly! Take a deep breath in/out and relax your hands, wiggle your fingers, and make your hands very loose.
  • Now try your arms: hold them down at your side and make them as straight and tight as you can. You can even make a fist again! Take a deep breath in/out and relax your arms/hands. Let them hang loosely at your sides.
  • Now, try your whole body! Make your body as tight as you can! Take a deep breath in/out and totally relax: let your body feel wiggly, loose and relaxed.

Our Minds

Activity: Safe Place Imagery

Draw a picture of a safe place. This safe place can be real or imaginary. It does not matter what this place is as long as you feel safe, calm, and comfortable when you picture yourself there. When you have a problem, picture your safe place in your mind to help you feel better.

Our Bodies & Minds

Activity: Chuck-It Bucket

Supplies Needed:

  • A bucket, bin or box
  • Paper slips
  • Something to write with


  • Place an empty bucket, bin, or box somewhere in your house where it is easily accessible for everyone.
  • Make sure to keep paper and things to write with next to the bucket.
  • When someone in the family experiences a problem, they can write it down or draw a picture of it.
  • Then, let it go by crumpling it into a ball and chucking it away into the bucket!

Not only can this help externalize problems and remove them from the forefront of our minds, it allows us to be silly and have some fun together. 

We’d love to see what you working on!

Share how you’re doing this activity with us by sending pictures to [email protected]! And remember, we are available for support at (520) 322-9155.

Si tiene preguntas o necesita guía o apoyo, nos puede contactar a Tu Nidito:

(520) 322-9155 | [email protected]

Tema: Resolviendo problemas

¡A nadie le gusta tener problemas! Los problemas se aparecen sin ser invitados, haciéndonos sentir preocupados e irritados. Podemos pretender que nuestros problemas no existen, nos podemos esconder de ellos y podemos preocuparnos constantemente de ellos. Usualmente, cuando hacemos eso, no nos sentimos mejor. De hecho, terminamos sintiéndonos peor. Cuando enfrentamos nuestros problemas, podemos empezar a sentirnos mejor porque quiere decir que tenemos la oportunidad de resolverlos y encontrar esperanza.

Entendemos que enfrentar nuestros problemas puede ser estresante y te puede dar miedo. Estas diferentes cosas pueden ayudar a nuestros cuerpos y nuestras mentes a sentirse preparados para enfrentar nuestros problemas.

Lectura de libros: ¿Qué haces tú con un problema? (What Do You Do with A Problem?) escrito por Kobi Yamada e ilustrado por Mae Besom. ¡Gracias a la editora de este libro, Compendio!

Nuestros cuerpos

La Tortuga

  • Comienza por ponerte de pie con tus pies separados y tus hombros relajados.
  • Ahora, lleva tu trasero a tus pies y siéntate en el piso. Tus piernas deben estar dobladas y tus pies apoyados en el suelo.
  • Ahora, lleva tus pies cerca de tu cuerpo y envuelve tus brazos alrededor de tus pies.
  • Da un respiro profundo y agacha tu cabeza encima de tus rodillas. Incluso, puedes cerrar tus ojos. Ahora, estando en esa posición, date un fuerte apretón y cuenta hasta 5.
  • Puedes hacer la Tortuga por el tiempo que necesites o quieras. Puedes terminar cuando tu cuerpo se sienta calmado y relajado.

La Mariposa

  • Empieza por sentarte o ponerte de pie, lo que sea mas cómodo para ti y extiende tus brazos en frente de tu cuerpo.
  • Lleva tu mano derecha a tu hombro izquierdo. Ahora, lleva tu mano izquierda a tu hombro derecho.
  • Suavemente usa tus manos para darle un apretón a tus hombros y tomar un respiro profundo.
  • Da un respiro profundo y relaja las manos en tus hombros. Piensa así, “Inhala y aprieta – exhale y relaja” Incluso puedes cerrar tus ojos.
  • Puedes hacer la Mariposa por el tiempo que necesites o quieras. Puedes terminar cuando tu cuerpo se sienta calmado y relajado.

Cuerpo de espagueti

  • ¿Has visto un espagueti cocido? Es ondulante y blando, se siente casi como relajado. Cuando sientes tensión en tu cuerpo, puedes hacer que tu cuerpo se sienta relajado como un espagueti cocido. Para tener un cuerpo de espagueti, tu cuerpo necesita ir de tenso, a relajado.
  • ¡Vamos a empezar con nuestras manos! Vamos a cerrar el puño y vamos a apretarlo fuertemente. Da un respiro profundo/exhala y relaja tu mano, sacude tus dedos, y relaja tus manos.
  • Ahora, trata con tus brazos. Ponlos a los lados de tu cuerpo y ponlos lo mas derecho y tensos que puedas. Incluso puedes cerrar el puño si gustas. Toma un respiro profundo/ exhala, relaja tus brazos y manos. Déjalos relajados al lado de tu cuerpo.
  • ¡Ahora, trata con todo tu cuerpo! Pon tu cuerpo lo más tenso que puedas! Toma un respiro profundo/ exhala y relájate totalmente: Dale la oportunidad a tu cuerpo de sentirse relajado y suelto.

Nuestras mentes

Actividad: Imagina tu lugar seguro

Haz un dibujo de tu lugar seguro. Este lugar seguro puede ser real o imaginario. No importa lo que sea este lugar mientras te haga sentir seguro, calmado y cómodo, cuando te imagines en el. Cuando tengas un problema, imagina tu lugar seguro para que te sientas mejor.

Nuestros cuerpos y nuestras mentes

Actividad: Bote de Tiradero

Materiales necesarios:

  • Un bote o caja
  • Hojas de papel
  • Marcadores o lapices 


  • Pon un bote vacío, contenedor o caja en algún lugar de tu casa que sea accesible para todos.
  • Asegúrate de poner papel y plumas enseguida del bote.
  • Cuando alguien en la familia tengo un problema, pueden escribir el problema o dibujarlo.
  • Después, lo pueden hacer bolita y tirarlo en el bote.

No solo te ayuda a sacar tus problemas y removerlos de tu mente si no que te ayudara a reír y divertirte.

¡Nos encantaría ver tus creaciones!

Comparte con nosotros mandando una fotografía de tu trabajo a [email protected]! Y recuerda, estamos disponibles para apoyarte al (520) 322-9155.

Expressing Our Feelings

Expressing our feelings

Online curriculum for children and families impacted by grief

If you have questions or would like guidance around this curriculum, contact us! We are still available by phone and email. Leave us a message and we will get back to you promptly.

(520) 322-9155 | [email protected]

Topic: Expressing Our Feelings

When we express our feelings, we need kind and supportive people who listen to us and give us comfort. This is so much more helpful than people trying to fix our feelings or telling us what to do. Remember, sometimes our hearts heal the most when people just listen to us.

Start this activity by following along with Brigid as she reads “The Rabbit Listened” by Cori Doerrfeld:

Littles (age 3½-7)

Activity: Color Your Feelings

When you have big feelings, you might need help figuring out exactly what your feelings are. This activity is a great way to figure out your feelings, express them, and help others understand them.

Supplies Needed:

  • One blank sheet of paper
  • Markers, colored pencils, crayons or paint


  1. Open our feelings chart and look at each one.
  2. Think about which feelings you’re having and write them down on a piece of blank paper (Or have an adult help you write them down).
  3. Then, choose a color (crayon, marker, paint, colored pencil) that matches each feeling. Assign each feeling a specific color.
  4. Now, turn your paper over and fill it with your feelings! You can make cool designs and patterns or keep it super simple. Make sure the biggest feeling takes up the most space while the smallest feeling takes up the least space.
  5. If you’d like to, share your drawing with your family!

Middles (age 8-12) and Teens (age 13-18)

Activity: Color a Mandala

Mandalas are symbolic circles that are used by people of many cultures. They are a creative way to express your thoughts and feelings while helping you feel calm and relaxed.

Supplies Needed:


  • A computer, smartphone or tablet with internet access


  1. Print the mandala coloring sheets.
  2. Using your coloring utensils, fill in a mandala with your feelings by choosing colors that represent the emotions you’re experiencing. You get to choose which color represents which feeling!
  3. If you’d like to, share what you colored with your family.

or color online!

  1. Follow this link to mandala coloring online!
  2. Select the mandala you want to color.
  3. Click the green button that says “color.”
  4. Wait 3 seconds until you see “Skip Ad” in the bottom right corner. Tap or click on those words to open your coloring page!
  5. Color your mandala with your feelings by choosing colors that represent the emotions you’re experiencing. You get to choose which color represents which feeling!
  6. If you’d like to, share what you colored with your family.

Adults and Caregivers:

Coloring is definitely not just for kids! Take a look at this article from the Huffington Post by Dr. Nikki Martinez, Psy.D. LCPC to explore some of the positive impacts coloring may have on mental, emotional, and intellectual health.

If you have a smart phone or tablet, consider downloading a Mandala Coloring App!

We’d love to see what you are feeling!

Share your creation with us by sending a picture of your artwork to [email protected]! And remember, we are available for support at (520) 322-9155.

Si tiene preguntas o necesita guía o apoyo, nos puede contactar a Tu Nidito al 520-322-9155 | [email protected].

Tema: Expresando nuestras emociones

Cuando expresamos nuestras emociones, necesitamos gente amable y solidaria que nos escucha y nos da confort. Esto ayuda más que gente tratando de arreglar como nos sentimos y diciéndonos que hacer. Recuerda, nuestros corazones sanan más cuando la gente solo nos escucha.

Empieza esta actividad siguiendo a Brigid mientras lee “El Conejo Escuchó” (The Rabbit Listened) por Cori Doerrfeld.

Pequeños (edades 3 ½ – 7)

Actividad: Colorea tus emociones

Cuando tienes grandes emociones, talvez necesites ayuda para descifrar cuales son estas emociones. Esta actividad es una manera increíble de descifrar estas emociones, como expresarlas, y ayudar a otros a entenderlas.  

Materiales necesarios:

  • Una hoja de papel en blanco
  • Marcadores, colores, crayolas o pintura.


  1. Abre nuestra grafica de emociones (en español) y ve cada una.
  2. Piensa en las emociones que estas teniendo ahorita y escríbelas en la hoja de papel (O pide a un adulto que te ayude a escribirlas).
  3. Después, escoge un color (Crayola, marcador, pintura o color) que hace juego con cada emoción.
  4. ¡Ahora, voltea la hoja y coloréala toda con tus emociones! Puedes hacer diseños y patrones divertidos o puedes hacerlo más simple. Asegúrate que tu emoción más grande ocupe la mayoría del espacio mientras que la emoción mas pequeña, ocupe el espacio más pequeño.
  5. ¡Si gustas, puedes compartir tu dibujo con tu familia!

Medianos y Adolescentes (edades 8 – 18)

Actividad: Colorea una Mándala

Mándalas son círculos simbólicos que son usados por gente de muchas culturas. Son una manera creativa de expresar tus pensamientos y emociones mientras te ayudan a sentirte calmado y relajado.   

Materiales necesarios:


  • Una computadora, teléfono inteligente o Tablet con acceso a internet.


  1. Imprime las hojas con las mándalas.
  2. Utilizando tus materiales para colorear, llena la mándala con tus emociones usando los colores que representen cierta emoción que estas experimentando. Tu puedes escoger el color que represente cada emoción!
  3. Si gustas, puedes compartir lo que coloreaste con tu familia.

O colorea en línea!

  1. Sigue este enlace para colorear mándalas en línea.
  2. Selecciona la mandala que te gustaría colorear.
  3. Selecciona el botón verde que dice “COLOR”
  4. Espera tres segundos hasta que veas “Skip Ad” en la parte baja derecha. ¡Da clic en esas palabras para abrir tu página para colorear!
  5. Colorea tu mándala con tus emociones seleccionando colores que representen las emociones que estas experimentando. Tu decides que color representa cada emocion!
  6. Si deseas, comparte lo que coloreaste con tu familia.

Adultos y Cuidadores:

¡Colorear es definitivo no solo para niños!  Vea este artículo de El Observador se llama Ocho razones para pintar mandalas donde explora algunos de los impactos positivos que tiene colorear en su salud mental, emocional e intelectual.  

¡Si usted tiene un teléfono inteligente o tableta, considere descargar una aplicación para colorear mándalas!

¡Nos encantaría ver que es lo que estas sintiendo!

Comparte con nosotros mandando una fotografía de tu arte a [email protected]! Y recuerda, estamos disponibles para apoyarte al (520) 322-9155.

Is a Worry Worrying You?

Is a Worry Worrying You?

Online curriculum for children and families impacted by grief

March 19th, 2020

After much careful thought and consideration, Tu Nidito has decided to suspend all support groups until at least April 6, when we will reevaluate the need for continued closure. 

Grief work is ongoing and we completely understand that it can’t be put on hold. Therefore, we are sharing activities and curriculum that we would typically be doing during our support groups right here on the blog! These are ideal for anyone dealing with grief, and are customized for you to do easily at home as a family, complete with tips, photos and videos. We are also sharing articles and resources specific to finding comfort and support during the COVID-19 Pandemic in our resource library.

If have questions or would like further guidance or support, contact us! We are still available by phone and email. Leave us a message and we will get back to you promptly!

(520) 322-9155 | [email protected]

Topic: Worry

It might not feel like it, but it’s normal to worry. Worries can make it hard to have fun, feel good, and be happy. It can be quite an icky feeling! To help make that icky feeling go away, we can do different things: draw or write about our worries, talk about them with people (or pets) who will listen, or distract ourselves by doing things like playing, reading, exercising or watching TV.

Start this activity by following along with Brigid as she reads “Is A Worry Worrying You?” by Ferida Wolff and Harriet May Savitz:

Littles (age 3½-7)

Activity: Draw Your Worry

Supplied Needed:

  • Paper
  • Markers, Crayons or Colored Pencils


  • One great thing to do when you feel worried is draw a picture of your worry. What does your worry look like? What color(s) is it? Is it big or small?
  • Once you’ve completed your worry drawing, crumple up your picture and throw it away shouting, “Get out of here worry!” This is a good reminder that your worries aren’t the boss of you, you are!

Middles (age 8-12) and Teens (age 13-18)

Activity: The Worry Box

Supplies Needed:

  • An Empty Box (tissue box, shoe box, or even a cereal box!)
  • White printer paper or construction paper
  • Tape
  • Strips of paper
  • Markers


  • Find an empty box like a tissue box, shoe box, or even a cereal box.
  • If the box you choose has pictures or writing, you can cover it by taping white paper or construction paper to the outside.
  • Write down your worries on strips of paper and place them inside the box. When you write or talk about your worries, you start to let them out, helping you feel better.
  • Then, on the outside of the box, write down things you can do that will help you feel better when you are worried. These can be things you have done before or brand-new things. These things are called coping skills

Each time you feel worried, write about it and put in in the box. What you wrote on the outside will remind you of all of the wonderful coping skills you can try to help yourself feel better. Check out the examples below! 

Adults and Caregivers:

Participate in the above activities with you children! Refer to the attached article from the Harvard Health Blog that explains some techniques for reducing stress.

In English: Two techniques for reducing stress

¿Te está preocupando una preocupación?

Currículo en línea para niños y familias impactadas por el duelo.

19 de marzo del 2020

Después de pensarlo y considerarlo detenidamente, Tu Nidito a decidido suspender todos los grupos de apoyo hasta el 6 de abril, cuando reevaluaremos la necesidad de continuar suspendidos.

El trabajo de duelo está en curso y entendemos completamente que no se puede poner en espera, por lo que estamos compartiendo actividades y currículo que típicamente utilizaríamos en nuestros grupos de apoyo, ¡aquí en nuestro blog! Estos son ideales para todos aquellos que están pasando por duelo, y están personalizados para que facilmente los haga en casa con su familia, junto con consejos, fotos y videos. También, estamos compartiendo artículos y recursos específicos que le ayudaran a encontrar comfort y apoyo durante la pandemia del COVID-19 en nuestra librería.

Si tiene preguntas o necesita guía o apoyo, nos puede contactar a Tu Nidito al 520-322-9155.

Tema: Preocupación

Puede no parecerlo, pero es normal sentirse preocupado. La preocupación puede hacer difícil que nos divirtamos, nos sintamos bien y seamos felices. Puede ser una emoción algo asquerosa. Para ayudar a desaparecer ese sentimiento de preocupación, podemos hacer diferentes cosas: Dibuja o escribe acerca de tus preocupaciones, habla con alguien acerca de ellas (o mascotas), o podemos distraernos haciendo cosas como jugar, leer, haciendo ejercicio o viendo televisión.

Sigue esta actividad siguiendo a Brigid mientras lee “Is a worry worrying you?” (¿Te preocupa una preocupación?) por Ferida Wolff and Harriet May Savitz:

Pequeños (edades 3 ½-7)

Actividad: Dibuja tu preocupación

Materiales necesarios:

  • Papel
  • Marcadores, crayolas o colores


  • Algo muy bueno que puedes hacer cuando te sientes preocupado es dibujar tu preocupación. ¿Como se ve tu preocupación? ¿Qué color es? ¿Es grande o pequeña?
  • Después, agarra el papel, hazlo bolita y tiralo diciendo “Vete de aquí preocupación!” ¡Este es un buen recordatorio de que las preocupaciones no son tus jefas, tu eres!

Medianos (edades 8-12) y adolescentes (edades 13-18)

Actividad: Caja de preocupaciones

Materiales necesarios:

  • Una caja vacia (panuelos desechables, caja de zapatos o caja de cereal)
  • Papel blanco de impresora
  • Cinta adhesiva
  • Pedazos de papel
  • Marcadores


  • Encuentra una caja vacía, como de pañuelos de papel, caja de zapatos o incluso una caja de cereal.
  • Si la caja que escogiste tiene fotos o dibujos, puedescubrirlos con tape blanco o papel en el exterior.
  • Escribe tus preocupaciones en un pedazo de papel y ponlos adentro de la caja. Cuando hablas o escribes acerca de tus preocupaciones, empiezas a sacarlas, haciéndote sentir mejor.
  • Despues, en la parte de afuera de la caja, puedes escribir cosas que te hacen sentir mejor cuando esta preocupado. Estas pueden ser cosas que haz hecho antes o cosas nuevas. Estas cosas se llaman habilidades de enfrentamiento.

Cada vez que te sientas preocupado, escríbelo y ponlo en la caja. Lo que escribiste en la parte de afuera, te ayudara a recordar las maravillas habilidades de afrontamiento que te ayudaran a sentirte mejor. ¡Checa los ejemplos de abajo!

Adultos y cuidadores:

Participe en las actividades con sus hijos. Consulte el artículo adjunto que contiene técnicas para reducir el estrés.

Técnicas para controlar el estrés

The Hope Tree

The Hope Tree

An activity about hoping and wishing as we grieve: Try it at home! 

HOPE is something that lives in each of us. When children and families are impacted by a serious medical condition or the death of a special person, there can be a lot of things to hope or wish for. This month at Tu Nidito, families are reflecting on what those hopes or wishes might be.

Support groups meet every Monday – Thursday evening here at Tu Nidito. This month, after sitting down together to “check in” and answer a Talking Circle Question, Littles (3½ – 7), Middles (8-12) and Teens (13-18) all participated in a beautiful activity displaying their collective hope. The task was simple: Think of a special hope you have for yourself and your family. Choose a color of cloth and draw or write your hope. When completed, share your creation with one another and tie your hope or wish to the tree in the Celebration Garden (pictured below).

By voicing these hopes and wishes for the future, then placing them in a communal space, we are demonstrating something special in the midst of grief: Though our futures are often uncertain, we are never alone.

Display your family’s hopes and wishes in your own home! Here are some options:

  1. Find or plant your own hope tree! You will need strips of colored fabric and fabric markers. Each member of your family can write their hopes and wishes down and tie them to branches of the tree. If you’d prefer, use a small indoor plant.
  2. Create a Hope Jar. Place a jar in a visible place. Provide slips of paper for family members to write their hopes and wishes, and place them in the jar. Plan to meet regularly as a family to read over the hopes and wishes in the jar!
  3. Place a small bulletin or white board in the home. Provide slips of paper or white board markers for family members to add their hopes or wishes.

Camp Opportunities in Arizona

Looking for a camp that serves children impacted by serious medical condition and death? There are a number of organizations throughout the state of Arizona providing weekend and overnight camps for kids, teens and families. Discover a camp that meets your child’s needs!

Continue reading

Pieces of Grief – A Bereavement Activity

This is an activity that can be done with children of all ages that are dealing with grief related to the death of a loved one. It is great for a group setting or can be completed one on one.

Supplies Needed:

Medium Clay Pot
Hot Glue
Sharpie Markers

Step One:

Place pot on a safe surface area. Carefully, break into pieces using hammer.

Step Two:

On the inside pieces of the pot, instruct children to write or draw the feelings that they have experienced since the death.

Step Three:

On the outside pieces of the pot, instruct children to write or draw their sources of support. Such as grief support group, friends, music or family.

Step Four:

Invite group or individual to share what they wrote on both sides of the clay pot.

Step Five:

Using hot glue gun, glue pieces of pot back together to make ‘whole’ pot again.

Step Six:

Once the pot has been put back together, discuss how this process is similar to the grief process. After a death, children may feel like they are broken, but with the help of good support systems, they can feel whole again.

Questions in a Can – An Activity for Children and Families Impacted by Illness and Death

“What happens if my special person dies?”

“Is my special person’s serious medical condition contagious?”

 “Where does someone go when they die?”

 “Was (name of special person) in pain when they died?”

When someone special in our life is diagnosed with a serious medical condition, it is normal to have questions about their treatment and prognosis. Similarly, when we experience the death of someone special, we have questions surrounding their death and about death in general. Sometimes these questions are uncomfortable to ask, so we refrain from asking. Some of our questions may not have answers, but it is still important to talk about them. Here at Tu Nidito, we like to use the “Questions in a Can” activity to talk about these questions.

Questions in a Can Activity:

On a slip of paper, write down any question you have related to your special person’s death or their serious medical condition diagnosis. Your questions are anonymous, so there is no need to feel judged and you can use additional slips of paper if you have more than one question. Designate a jar, can or cup for dropping in questions. Sit down as a family and pass the questions container and one at a time, choose a question. Read the question aloud and provide your best answer. If you do not have an answer to the question, that is okay; give other members of the family a chance to share their ideas and answers. Continue to pass around the container until all the questions have been pulled or until your family decides they want to stop.  The important thing is that each member of the family has a chance to respond or ask any questions about death or serious medical condition.

This activity can be modified to fit your family’s needs. For example, families can choose to complete the entire activity in one sitting. Or, if your family needs some time to brainstorm questions, leave the container out in a shared space in your home, along with blank slips of paper, so that family members can drop in questions as they come up. Designate a time, weekly or even monthly, to sit down together and answer the questions.